Saturday, September 1, 2012

Saying "Goodbye" like Gackt

"Never forget the warmth, 
Of when we were nestled close, holding one another
Even when you're loving someone else
I'll never let go of your voice as I heard it the last time.

The sadness that continues to fall
Changes to pure white snow
I kept looking to the sky
If now my wish reaches you, 
Before my body vanishes
Hold me tight once more." you know this song?
It's so beautiful to me, not only because of the melody and compostition, but also because it reflects my feelings right now.
I'm going to Finland for 10 months leaving someone behind that is dearest to me... :(

I hope that time will ease the pain - I'm also looking forward to Finland, of course! There are a lot of very nice people and experiences waiting for me and after all, this was my own decision! :)

Saturday, August 11, 2012

ADENIA - New Look 2012

First of all - thank you to Asagi-chan for doing an amazing job and for the great shooting! I really enjoyed it. I hope we can do another one pretty soon!

Inspiration drawn from one of the most awesome bands ever: KAGRRA
...and from KIRYU, especially for the hairstyle! 

Those who already know about Adenia may have noticed that our 'band' is not complete on this shooting, but at the next one, we'll be reunited with the other two members (Chiyo & Yuki) again!
Anyways, Asagi and me did our best and we hope that you like it! ^.~

Kiyuri's work:

Asagi's work:

For more information and our old look, visit Asagi-chan's blog:

Next project will be Oshare Kei with some friends! Please check out my blog for further updates! ;3


Sunday, July 29, 2012

Kisaki - save us!

I finally finished editing some of yesterday's photos! ^.~

It was a fight with the light conditions and quality, but I think I did the best I could.  

I was shooting with my sister and our dear friend, according to the motto "Kisaki save me!" which is rather popular within the fan community of Kisaki-san ^.^

It was hard work and we ended up like this: 

But it was so much fun! You're great! Thank you so much!! <3

For more pictures, please check out 's gallery ;3


Saturday, July 28, 2012

Machi Cosplay

Tonight I cosplayed Machi-san of Lareine *-*
It was a spontaneous idea, but I think it worked out pretty well - what do you think??

here's the original:

Tomorrow there'll be another shooting with my friends!

Have a nice time!


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A(ce) & Anli Pollicino - live in Munich

Hey there!~

The concert was so amazing!! ...sill repeating the songs' melodies in my mind all day long! ;3

After a 2 hours long trip to Munich (München), my friends and me finally arrived at Feierwerk. Nervousness sank in and we quickly bought some merch, already looking forward to the start of the concert!
We arrived only half an hour before the beginning of the live show ( damn those traffic jams!! >.<  ), so we weren't able to reach the front row anymore >.< but we still managed to get pretty close to the stage, like 2nd row. :)
So we waited there, longing for A(ce) to come out while the heartbeat was constantly rising! And then they finally came out and everything was about shouting, cheering for them and jumping and dancing to the music. *-*

First, A(ce) was playing and they were....AWESOME!! :D within seconds, everyone's mood rose to a maximum, all the people enjoyed the band and participated in the singing and dancing.
And as time passed, we were able to get more and more close to the front. ;3

Afterwards, it was Anli's turn and they were just as breathtaking!! :D everyone was heated up already and Anli Pollicino continued to cheer us up! It would've been perfect if only my friend wouldn't have felt sick suddenly...she nearly collapsed, so she went outside, back to the car. However, the remaining two of us (me and my sister) stayed to watch the end of the concert, so that we could tell her about it later!
After a lot of songs, Shindy-san anounced their last one and afterwards they all left the stage. This was just too sudden and the whole crowd called for an encore ( ANKORU! ANKORU! ANKORU! xDD) So they returned and surprised by Shindy-san taking over the drums while Kiyozumi-san grabbed the micro! ;3 and then they played another song before finishing the concert.

Kya, it was so cute when the bands started talking a little in German!! And their English is amazing too - especially that of Yo1-san and Nimo-san ;3 
Anli also taught us how to dance to "Game of Love"! ^-^
Aaand that evening Nimo-san probably became the king of fanservice, always licking his lips and killing us with this sexy looks *-*

As it was over, we rushed to our friend, hoping she was feeling better by now, but unfortunately she was still in a bad shape, so we took the merch, that she had bought to be signed by the band members, and went back inside. I asked some staff member if there was an autograph session planned for the night and they showed me where we could wait for them. Just a little later both bands showed up and fans could receive their signs. I let my own stuff sign while my sister took our friend's posters and drawings (my friend and me had planned that either one of us was drawing 4 band members, because all of them would've been too much in too little time). So I gave my drawings to Toshi-san, Yo1-san, Takuma-san and Shindy-san, while my sister delivered our friend's drawings to Rookie-san, Nimo-san, Kiyozumi-san and Masatoshi-san! ;3 Their reactions were so cute!! <3 
Toshi-san was really amazed at receiving my gift! Kya, "hearty" xDD
Yo1-san was very happy and thanked me in 3 different languages (japanese, english and german!) He also said "You are very cute!" *-* ;3
Takuma-san was grateful and said something in japanese to Yo1-san, while showing my drawing to him (if I understood correctly it was something like my drawing being awesome).
Shindy-san was also thankful.
So, I got a lot of handshakes (they didn't only shake the fan's hand, they took the fan's hand into both of their own!!! *-*) and I'm so glad they liked my presents! ^-^

By the way, here are the promised photos of my fanart:

These are only photos of my drawings - the originals are with the band members now! ;3

I hope they'll come back... SOON! :D
A(ce) and Anli Pollicino - "We are waiting for you!!" ;3


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

RIP Isshi-san

"And if you're not sure if you have the courage to take the next step forward towards the future, remember my voice."

(This quote motivated me to move forward a lot of times.)

One year ago one of the most amazing musicians passed away.
Isshi, vocalist of Kagrra, thank you so much for your creations! You were one of the few musicians that have really been able to change my life and I'm very grateful for that! - we all miss you!! :/

Unfortunately I found out about him and his band only after his death, so I never got a chance to see them live, but even so their music touched my heart and ever since I discovered them, I love their songs! Thanks also to Asagi Yo-Yaretsu for introducing me to this band! *-*

The first song by Kagrra that I ever listened to was "Sakura Maichiru Ano Oka De". It was the last live version and whenever I watch the video, I can't help but cry... This song is probably the most emotional song that I ever listened to and it's the only one that actually makes my tears fall. I have a feeling that the way Isshi-san sings in this video, he already knew that something was going to happen, as if he knew he'd die... this makes it even sadder and it sends me shivers down my spine, yet it's just overwhelmingly beautiful.

Again, I'd like to thank Isshi-san, for the songs, the videos, the quotes, for everything! Words cannot express the feelings in my heart.

News and More

Konban wa minna-san!

Kya, I finished Takuma-san's drawing for the concert! *-* This means that there's only one left to draw - Yo-1!! ;3 now I feel like I'll be able to accomplish my goal and by sunday I'll have all 4 pictures done. I'll upload them at monday, because I want the band to get the originals first before they're available on the internet as photos, so please stop by next week and take a look at my drawings!~

I'm going to go to Finland for 10 months, starting in september, and tomorrow I'll be visiting my coordinator for the project so that we can get all the organisation stuff done ;3
I'm really excited about it already! I'll be working at a playschool, learn Finnish and visit all the great sights! Hopefully, I'll be able to see the aurora too! *-*
However I'm also a little sad about everything I'm leaving home, my friends - I'll miss them like hell! After all, it's a long time, but I'll make sure to fly back home whenever I have holidays and I'll keep contact via internet, I promise!! ;3

What else - my job is kind of screwing me up >.<
The days are long and there are times when I actually have to fear for my life! But I need the money for my time in Finland and for supporting J-Rock/Visual Kei, of course! And that's what keeps me going - it's my motivation to bear with it. And thank god it's only for a limited time - only one month left to work!

Ah, by the way - I wanted to show you something:
(it's Anli Pollicino - gonna meet them on sunday in Munich ;P)

Kya, I love it when japanese bands are trying to talk in the country's language that they're visiting! so cute! <3
