Wednesday, July 18, 2012

News and More

Konban wa minna-san!

Kya, I finished Takuma-san's drawing for the concert! *-* This means that there's only one left to draw - Yo-1!! ;3 now I feel like I'll be able to accomplish my goal and by sunday I'll have all 4 pictures done. I'll upload them at monday, because I want the band to get the originals first before they're available on the internet as photos, so please stop by next week and take a look at my drawings!~

I'm going to go to Finland for 10 months, starting in september, and tomorrow I'll be visiting my coordinator for the project so that we can get all the organisation stuff done ;3
I'm really excited about it already! I'll be working at a playschool, learn Finnish and visit all the great sights! Hopefully, I'll be able to see the aurora too! *-*
However I'm also a little sad about everything I'm leaving home, my friends - I'll miss them like hell! After all, it's a long time, but I'll make sure to fly back home whenever I have holidays and I'll keep contact via internet, I promise!! ;3

What else - my job is kind of screwing me up >.<
The days are long and there are times when I actually have to fear for my life! But I need the money for my time in Finland and for supporting J-Rock/Visual Kei, of course! And that's what keeps me going - it's my motivation to bear with it. And thank god it's only for a limited time - only one month left to work!

Ah, by the way - I wanted to show you something:
(it's Anli Pollicino - gonna meet them on sunday in Munich ;P)

Kya, I love it when japanese bands are trying to talk in the country's language that they're visiting! so cute! <3


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