Sunday, July 15, 2012

Visual Kei Photo-Session and Updates

Yesterday I decided on an outfit for the upcoming concert of Anli Pollicino & Ace (one week left - so excited already, I can't wait to see them live in Munich!!! *-*)

I was most afraid of finding some awesome hairstyle, but everything worked out just fine. Afterwards I went to meet a friend, because we had a lot to discuss about the drawings we're preparing for the bands and stuff.
By the way, I already finished the pictures of Toshi and Shindy, so there's "just" 2 more left!
Aaaaand I coloured my hair black again ^-^ ....I like my black hair! x)

Anyways, when I got home, I took some photos and here's the result (the first one reminds me so much of Ruki-san's "pray-for-japan-picture :P):

What do you think? - comments appreciated! ;D


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